
Teleport to spawn minecraft
Teleport to spawn minecraft

  • Homes » You can set home points to your location in case you want to get back there sometime!.
  • Interactive signs » You can create signs which warp you to a warp point, teleport you to a random place or even more!.
  • Warps » You can make warp points and teleport to them!.
  • Item Payments » In addition to Vault support, you can also make your teleport requests – and other commands – cost items instead! (Currently does not support NBT).
  • Prices for sending teleport requests can be changed as well!
  • Vault Support » You can make teleport requests cost money! In order to do that you would have to enable the Vault function in the config.yml file.
  • Largely Configurable » You can configure the vast majority of the plugin!.
  • You can decide whether the cooldown applies to all commands, or is per-command.
  • Command cooldown » Prevents players from spamming AT’s teleporting commands.
  • You can also choose whether moving cancels the teleportation!
  • Pre-teleportation warm-ups » Periods that take place between confirming teleportation and commencing it.
  • teleport to spawn minecraft

    Random/Wilderness Teleportation » Advanced Teleport contains a Random Teleport feature, which shoots you off to a random location in the world – the main difference is, it’s the fastest RTP in the west and can instantly teleport you to a random location without lagging your server!*.Blocking feature » If a player keeps sending you a teleport request and you get annoyed by it you can simply block them from sending a teleport request to you with only one command.Sound Alerts » For /tpa and /tpahere, you’re able to get a sound notification when you receive a request!.Take care of multiple pending teleport requests » This plugin allows you to take care of multiple pending teleport requests.Enable and disable teleport requests » If you don’t want to receive teleport requests at all you can simply disable them for yourself using one command.Handling of teleportation requests » Containing all of the basics, including /tpa, /tpahere, /tpcancel… you name it!.

    teleport to spawn minecraft


    AdvancedTeleport Plugin (1.19, 1.18) Download LinksĪdvancedTeleport Plugin (1.19, 1.18) is a very simple plugin that handles multiple teleportation functions that other plugins may not be able to handle – or, very simply, does them better.

    Teleport to spawn minecraft